And in a more timely fashion this year, it’s the 2012 recap.
Hello friends –
As a parent of young children, I tend to walk around in a haze of “Hmm…Wha…Oh…What time is pick-up?”, which pretty much defines my days. Amidst the blur, I attended to various singing items as they arose during 2012. Last spring there was a run on my CDs at Amazon!! Every other, and for a stretch every, week I headed over to my local post office to fulfill an Amazon order. What a pleasant surprise!! In time for the holidays, I sent them some more. Thanks to all purchasers!!
Going back to the summer, I enjoyed another fun gig at the Brandeis High School Garden, sponsored by Council Member Brewer’s office. It was almost 100 degrees at the time of our performance!! I don’t think I ever sweat so much on a gig, but as always the wonderful environment, people, and refreshments made the day. I also had a special treat of being able to hook my mic into the excellent sound system of the band following us, which made it that much easier to sing. This was my only gig of the year, so it can be kind of daunting to prepare and perform with about a year between performances. I was able to ease into the gig though, just like old times. As my colleague Marcelo Cardozo says, “A sly fox never loses his skill.”
Looking ahead, I have a lot of ambitious plans. Whether I will be able to get to them is another story. Having two children in school has not been the freewheeling experience I was expecting. Instead, I’ve spent this school year careening from one unusual, unexpected event to another. At this rate I’ll be pleased to have started getting my voice back in shape in time for the summer. I never got to my repertoire list in 2012, so that looks like an ongoing project for 2013. Regarding performance, I sang once in 2012 and twice in 2011, so I’m looking at three gigs this year for a sense of accomplishment!!
Wishing you and yours all the best for 2013. Thank you for your continuing interest and support.
All the best,
Tags: 2012, Amazon, Marcelo Cardozo, parent of young children